I lead the Estuarine and Movement Ecology Lab (EMEL) at The University of Southern Mississippi. I am a broadly trained field biologist with a current focus on fish ecology and Gulf Sturgeon conservation, especially in response to restoration activities. However, I am also a classically trained parasitologist and love to have a side of parasitology with my fish ecology. My research largely focuses around the evolutionary and ecological aspects of diadromous fish movements. To do this I use tags, both artificial (acoustic telemetry and conventional tags) and natural (parasites) tags. Overall, I am interested in questions related to restoration ecology, biodiversity, food-web patterns, fisheries and movement ecology, and host-parasite coevolution.
My lab spends a considerable amount of time catching and tagging a variety of "old" (e.g., sturgeon, paddlefish, gar, and sharks) and "new" (e.g., sheepshead and red and black drum) fish species. We currently maintain an acoustic telemetry array with more than 150 receivers in Mississippi Sound and our coastal rivers. We love using a variety of approaches to address how restoration activities may impact aquatic habitats and are keen to collaborate.
If you are a prospective undergraduate or graduate student and any of the work my lab does sounds interesting, please feel free to reach out!
Outside of the lab, I love brewing and talking about beer because brewing is one of the best combinations of art and science. I am also incredibly lucky to be the father of two awesome kiddos and I will not hesitate to brag on them.

Fisheries Ecology
The University of Southern Mississippi
2014 Department of Coastal Sciences, PhD
Gulf Sturgeon Conservation
Fish Movement Ecology
Host-Parasite Ecology
Texas A&M University at Galveston
2007 Marine Biology, BS